Physical Review E – January 2000
Volume 61, Issue 1


General methods of statistical physics

Large-q asymptotics of the random-bond Potts model
Jesper Lykke Jacobsen and Marco Picco
pp. R13-R16 [View PDF (49 kB)]

Chaos and nonlinear dynamical systems

Wave scattering through classically chaotic cavities in the presence of absorption: An information-theoretic model
Eugene Kogan, Pier A. Mello, and He Liqun
pp. R17-R20 [View PDF (67 kB)]

Classical fluids

Growth of Taylor vortices: A molecular dynamics study
D. Hirshfeld and D. C. Rapaport
pp. R21-R24 [View PDF (56 kB)]
Abnormal rolls and regular arrays of disclinations in homeotropic electroconvection
Axel G. Rossberg, Nándor Éber, Ágnes Buka, and Lorenz Kramer
pp. R25-R28 [View PDF (260 kB)]
Inverse energy cascade in two-dimensional turbulence: Deviations from Gaussian behavior
G. Boffetta, A. Celani, and M. Vergassola
pp. R29-R32 [View PDF (74 kB)]
Intermittency of temperature field in turbulent convection
Emily S. C. Ching
pp. R33-R36 [View PDF (79 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Bilayer-by-bilayer antiferroelectric ordering in freely suspended films of an achiral polymer-monomer liquid crystal mixture
D. R. Link, N. A. Clark, B. I. Ostrovskii, and E. A. Soto Bustamante
pp. R37-R40 [View PDF (385 kB)]

Complex fluids, polymers and granular materials

Apparent finite-size effects in the dynamics of supercooled liquids
Kang Kim and Ryoichi Yamamoto
pp. R41-R44 [View PDF (139 kB)]
Pumping liquids using asymmetric electrode arrays
Armand Ajdari
pp. R45-R48 [View PDF (217 kB)]
Velocity and shape selection of dendritic crystals in a forced flow
X. Tong, C. Beckermann, and A. Karma
pp. R49-R52 [View PDF (73 kB)]
Reductions of the glass transition temperature in thin polymer films: Probing the length scale of cooperative dynamics
James A. Forrest and Johan Mattsson
pp. R53-R56 [View PDF (52 kB)]

Biological physics

Phase separation and shape deformation of two-phase membranes
Y. Jiang, T. Lookman, and A. Saxena
pp. R57-R60 [View PDF (269 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

Optical properties of nonequilibrium low-dimensional systems
Sergio A. Hassan, Áurea R. Vasconcellos, Marcus V. Mesquita, and Roberto Luzzi
pp. 71-76 [View PDF (91 kB)]
Roughening and preroughening transitions in crystal surfaces with double-height steps
Jae Dong Noh
pp. 77-80 [View PDF (93 kB)]
Scaling of waves in the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld sandpile model
D. V. Ktitarev, S. Lübeck, P. Grassberger, and V. B. Priezzhev
pp. 81-92 [View PDF (187 kB)]
Lévy scaling in random walks with fluctuating variance
P. Santini
pp. 93-99 [View PDF (103 kB)]
Generation of compound non-Gaussian random processes with a given correlation function
S. Primak
pp. 100-103 [View PDF (60 kB)]
Nonlinear measures for characterizing rough surface morphologies
Jané Kondev, Christopher L. Henley, and David G. Salinas
pp. 104-125 [View PDF (492 kB)]
Crossover between a displacive and an order-disorder phase transition
A. N. Rubtsov, J. Hlinka, and T. Janssen
pp. 126-131 [View PDF (91 kB)]
From continuous time random walks to the fractional Fokker-Planck equation
E. Barkai, R. Metzler, and J. Klafter
pp. 132-138 [View PDF (87 kB)]
Ratchet driven by quasimonochromatic noise
M. Arrayás, R. Mannella, P. V. E. McClintock, A. J. McKane, and N. D. Stein
pp. 139-146 [View PDF (110 kB)]
Correlation-length–exponent relation for the two-dimensional random Ising model
Péter Lajkó and Ferenc Iglói
pp. 147-152 [View PDF (107 kB)]
Deterministic equations of motion and phase ordering dynamics
B. Zheng
pp. 153-156 [View PDF (61 kB)]
See Also: Comment Reply
Stochastic resonance in vertical cavity surface emitting lasers
Sylvain Barbay, Giovanni Giacomelli, and Francesco Marin
pp. 157-166 [View PDF (175 kB)]
Surface critical behavior in systems with nonequilibrium phase transitions
Martin Howard, Per Fröjdh, and Kent Bækgaard Lauritsen
pp. 167-183 [View PDF (383 kB)]
Field-induced vacancy localization in a driven lattice gas: Scaling of steady states
M. Thies and B. Schmittmann
pp. 184-195 [View PDF (258 kB)]
Spectrum of the Fokker-Planck operator representing diffusion in a random velocity field
J. T. Chalker and Z. Jane Wang
pp. 196-203 [View PDF (124 kB)]
Moment analysis of the probability distribution of different sandpile models
S. Lübeck
pp. 204-209 [View PDF (83 kB)]
Solvable kinetic Gaussian model in an external field
Jian-Yang Zhu and Z. R. Yang
pp. 210-217 [View PDF (101 kB)]
Mixed-spin Ising model with one- and two-spin competing dynamics
M. Godoy and W. Figueiredo
pp. 218-222 [View PDF (69 kB)]
Nonequilibrium phase transitions induced by multiplicative noise: Effects of self-correlation
Sergio E. Mangioni, Roberto R. Deza, Raúl Toral, and Horacio S. Wio
pp. 223-232 [View PDF (179 kB)]
Stochastic resonance as dithering
Robert A. Wannamaker, Stanley P. Lipshitz, and John Vanderkooy
pp. 233-236 [View PDF (72 kB)]
Event-by-event fluid dynamcis
L. P. Csernai, Zs. I. Lázár, I. A. Lázár, D. Molnár, J. Pipek, and D. D. Strottman
pp. 237-246 [View PDF (137 kB)]
Effect of shear on phase-ordering dynamics with order-parameter-dependent mobility: The large-n limit
N. P. Rapapa
pp. 247-252 [View PDF (261 kB)]
Universality classes for the ricepile model with absorbing properties
Mária Markošová
pp. 253-260 [View PDF (140 kB)]
Distribution of escape times for a deterministically driven bistable system
José Manuel Casado and José Gómez-Ordóñez
pp. 261-266 [View PDF (84 kB)]
Thermodynamic picture of the glassy state gained from exactly solvable models
Th. M. Nieuwenhuizen
pp. 267-292 [View PDF (322 kB)]
Boundary spatiotemporal correlations in a self-organized critical model of punctuated equilibrium
Emma Montevecchi and Attilio L. Stella
pp. 293-297 [View PDF (70 kB)]
Dynamical weight functions for a planar crack
A. A. Al-Falou, R. C. Ball, and H. Larralde
pp. 298-311 [View PDF (180 kB)]
Drift ratchet
Christiane Kettner, Peter Reimann, Peter Hänggi, and Frank Müller
pp. 312-323 [View PDF (516 kB)]
Diffusion in disordered lattices and related Heisenberg ferromagnets
M. D. Grynberg and R. B. Stinchcombe
pp. 324-331 [View PDF (107 kB)]

Chaos and nonlinear dynamical systems

Scaling of Lyapunov exponents of coupled chaotic systems
Rüdiger Zillmer, Volker Ahlers, and Arkady Pikovsky
pp. 332-341 [View PDF (154 kB)]
Homoclinic tangency and chaotic attractor disappearance in a dripping faucet experiment
Reynaldo D. Pinto and José C. Sartorelli
pp. 342-347 [View PDF (687 kB)]
Dynamical control of systems near bifurcation points using time series
Zhao Hong, Liu Yaowen, Ping Huican, and Wang Yinghai
pp. 348-353 [View PDF (165 kB)]
Dynamical system approach to phyllotaxis
F. d’Ovidio and E. Mosekilde
pp. 354-365 [View PDF (191 kB)]
Autocorrelation function of level velocities for ray-splitting billiards
Y. Hlushchuk, A. Kohler, Sz. Bauch, L. Sirko, R. Blümel, M. Barth, and H.-J. Stöckmann
pp. 366-370 [View PDF (166 kB)]
Synchronization in a system of globally coupled oscillators with time delay
M. Y. Choi, H. J. Kim, D. Kim, and H. Hong
pp. 371-381 [View PDF (151 kB)]
Quantum chaotic scattering with a mixed phase space: The three-disk billiard in a magnetic field
Markus Eichengrün, Walter Schirmacher, and Wolfgang Bregmann
pp. 382-389 [View PDF (209 kB)]

Classical fluids

Stability analysis of plane wave solutions of the discrete Ginzburg-Landau equation
J. F. Ravoux, S. Le Dizès, and P. Le Gal
pp. 390-393 [View PDF (181 kB)]
Molecular dynamics simulations of supercooled and amorphous Co100-xZrx: Atomic mobilities and structural properties
U. K. Rößler and H. Teichler
pp. 394-402 [View PDF (143 kB)]
Mie scattering and the physical mechanisms of sonoluminescence
C. Villarreal, R. Esquivel-Sirvent, and R. Jáuregui
pp. 403-406 [View PDF (62 kB)]
Scaling structure of the velocity statistics in atmospheric boundary layers
Susan Kurien, Victor S. L’vov, Itamar Procaccia, and K. R. Sreenivasan
pp. 407-421 [View PDF (437 kB)]
Density correlations in lattice gases in contact with a confining wall
J. Reinhard, W. Dieterich, P. Maass, and H. L. Frisch
pp. 422-428 [View PDF (146 kB)]
Self-consistent derivation of subgrid stresses for large-scale fluid equations
Fernando O. Minotti
pp. 429-434 [View PDF (77 kB)]
Spinodal decomposition of off-critical quenches with a viscous phase using dissipative particle dynamics in two and three spatial dimensions
Keir E. Novik and Peter V. Coveney
pp. 435-448 [View PDF (1,186 kB)]
Dynamic properties of hydrogen-bonded networks in supercritical water
J. Martí
pp. 449-456 [View PDF (108 kB)]
Nonlocal transport of passive scalars in turbulent penetrative convection
Mark S. Miesch, Axel Brandenburg, and Ellen G. Zweibel
pp. 457-467 [View PDF (301 kB)]
Numerical studies of flames in wide tubes: Stability limits of curved stationary flames
O. Yu. Travnikov, V. V. Bychkov, and M. A. Liberman
pp. 468-474 [View PDF (106 kB)]
Pattern formation in drying drops
Robert D. Deegan
pp. 475-485 [View PDF (1,341 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Phase diagrams of lyotropic cholesteric fluids
Pierre Tolédano, A. M. Figueiredo Neto, and Z. A. de Sant’Ana
pp. 486-492 [View PDF (113 kB)]
Layer dynamics of freely standing smectic-A films
Hsuan-Yi Chen and David Jasnow
pp. 493-503 [View PDF (149 kB)]
Molecular simulation and theory of a liquid crystalline disclination core
Denis Andrienko and Michael P. Allen
pp. 504-510 [View PDF (274 kB)]
Surface-induced ordering in thin uniaxial liquid crystal films
Hyunbum Jang and Malcolm J. Grimson
pp. 511-518 [View PDF (162 kB)]
Multicritical behaviors and an induced twist grain boundary phase in a binary liquid crystalline mixture
M. Ismaïli, A. Anakkar, G. Joly, N. Isaert, and H. T. Nguyen
pp. 519-525 [View PDF (176 kB)]

Complex fluids, polymers and granular materials

Scaling behavior of the α relaxation in fragile glass-forming liquids under conditions of high compression
Marian Paluch, Stella Hensel-Bielówka, and Jerzy Zioło
pp. 526-531 [View PDF (92 kB)]
Ellipsometric determination of universal critical adsorption scaling functions
J. H. Carpenter, J.-H. J. Cho, and B. M. Law
pp. 532-541 [View PDF (149 kB)]
Dynamic scaling of the critical ultrasonic attenuation in binary liquids: Evidence from broadband spectrometry
S. Z. Mirzaev, T. Telgmann, and U. Kaatze
pp. 542-549 [View PDF (104 kB)]
Cluster-cluster aggregation in binary mixtures
A. AlSunaidi, M. Lach-hab, Agustín E. González, and Estela Blaisten-Barojas
pp. 550-556 [View PDF (116 kB)]
Neutron scattering from aerosols: Intraparticle structure factor, Guinier analysis of particle speed, and crossed beam kinematics
Gerald Wilemski
pp. 557-564 [View PDF (95 kB)]
Early stages of homopolymer collapse
A. Halperin and Paul M. Goldbart
pp. 565-573 [View PDF (121 kB)]
Ionic condensation theories and the liquidlike structures observed in colloidal dispersions
M. Quesada-Pérez, J. Callejas-Fernández, and R. Hidalgo-Álvarez
pp. 574-582 [View PDF (107 kB)]
Tracer dispersion in a percolation network with spatial correlations
Hernán A. Makse, José S. Andrade, Jr., and H. Eugene Stanley
pp. 583-586 [View PDF (281 kB)]
Evolution of vibrational excitations in glassy systems
W. Götze and M. R. Mayr
pp. 587-606 [View PDF (313 kB)]
In situ and interrupted-growth studies of the self-assembly of octadecyltrichlorosilane monolayers
A. G. Richter, C.-J. Yu, A. Datta, J. Kmetko, and P. Dutta
pp. 607-615 [View PDF (168 kB)]
Hydraulic permeability of (un)bounded fibrous media using the lattice Boltzmann method
D. S. Clague, B. D. Kandhai, R. Zhang, and P. M. A. Sloot
pp. 616-625 [View PDF (197 kB)]
Self-diffusion and sedimentation of tracer spheres in (semi)dilute dispersions of rigid colloidal rods
Sebastiaan G. J. M. Kluijtmans, Gijsberta H. Koenderink, and Albert P. Philipse
pp. 626-636 [View PDF (376 kB)]
Effect of long-range forces on surface freezing
Prabir K. Mukherjee and Moshe Deutsch
pp. 637-641 [View PDF (68 kB)]
Thermal and chemical diffusion in the rapid solidification of binary alloys
Massimo Conti
pp. 642-650 [View PDF (160 kB)]
Absence of the liquid phase when the attraction is not pairwise additive
Richard P. Sear
pp. 651-655 [View PDF (62 kB)]
Simple views on critical binary liquid mixtures in porous glass
L. Tremblay, S. M. Socol, and S. Lacelle
pp. 656-659 [View PDF (119 kB)]
Nature of the transition from two- to three-dimensional ordering in a confined colloidal suspension
Ronen Zangi and Stuart A. Rice
pp. 660-670 [View PDF (578 kB)]
Hexagonal to square lattice conversion in bilayer systems
Ronen Zangi and Stuart A. Rice
pp. 671-681 [View PDF (430 kB)]
Adiabatic compressibility of AOT [sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate] reverse micelles: Analysis of a simple model based on micellar size and volumetric measurements
A. Amararene, M. Gindre, J.-Y. Le Huérou, W. Urbach, D. Valdez, and M. Waks
pp. 682-689 [View PDF (98 kB)]
Effect of the wall roughness on slip and rheological properties of hexadecane in molecular dynamics simulation of Couette shear flow between two sinusoidal walls
A. Jabbarzadeh, J. D. Atkinson, and R. I. Tanner
pp. 690-699 [View PDF (262 kB)]
Instabilities of concentration stripe patterns in ferrocolloids
A. Cēbers
pp. 700-708 [View PDF (1,083 kB)]
Diffusional mechanism of strong selection in Ostwald ripening
I. Rubinstein and B. Zaltzman
pp. 709-717 [View PDF (104 kB)]

Biological physics

Responses of a Hodgkin-Huxley neuron to various types of spike-train inputs
Hideo Hasegawa
pp. 718-726 [View PDF (278 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
From local to global spatiotemporal chaos in a cardiac tissue model
Zhilin Qu, James N. Weiss, and Alan Garfinkel
pp. 727-732 [View PDF (560 kB)]
Short-term forecasting of life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias based on symbolic dynamics and finite-time growth rates
Niels Wessel, Christine Ziehmann, Jürgen Kurths, Udo Meyerfeldt, Alexander Schirdewan, and Andreas Voss
pp. 733-739 [View PDF (80 kB)]
Coherence resonance and noise-induced synchronization in globally coupled Hodgkin-Huxley neurons
Yuqing Wang, David T. W. Chik, and Z. D. Wang
pp. 740-746 [View PDF (223 kB)]
Elastic stability of DNA configurations. I. General theory
Irwin Tobias, David Swigon, and Bernard D. Coleman
pp. 747-758 [View PDF (193 kB)]
See Also: See Also
Elastic stability of DNA configurations. II. Supercoiled plasmids with self-contact
Bernard D. Coleman, David Swigon, and Irwin Tobias
pp. 759-770 [View PDF (221 kB)]
Different hierarchy of avalanches observed in the Bak-Sneppen evolution model
W. Li and X. Cai
pp. 771-775 [View PDF (140 kB)]
Chaotic behavior in noninteger-order cellular neural networks
P. Arena, L. Fortuna, and D. Porto
pp. 776-781 [View PDF (528 kB)]

Plasma physics

Surface waves in strongly irradiated dusty plasmas
K. N. Ostrikov, M. Y. Yu, and L. Stenflo
pp. 782-787 [View PDF (100 kB)]
Transverse modulation of an electron beam generated in self-modulated laser wakefield accelerator experiments
C. I. Moore, K. Krushelnick, A. Ting, H. R. Burris, R. F. Hubbard, and P. Sprangle
pp. 788-792 [View PDF (605 kB)]
Dipolar interaction in a colloidal plasma
D. P. Resendes
pp. 793-800 [View PDF (109 kB)]
Analysis of the M-shell spectra emitted by a short-pulse laser-created tantalum plasma
M. Busquet, Z. Jiang, C. Y. Côté, J. C. Kieffer, M. Klapisch, A. Bar-Shalom, C. Bauche-Arnoult, and A. Bachelier
pp. 801-808 [View PDF (146 kB)]
Nonlinear dust kinetic Alfvén waves
Chen Yinhua, Lu Wei, and M. Y. Yu
pp. 809-812 [View PDF (71 kB)]
Proper orthogonal decomposition and Galerkin projection for a three-dimensional plasma dynamical system
P. Beyer, S. Benkadda, and X. Garbet
pp. 813-823 [View PDF (183 kB)]
Force between charged particles with ion condensation
Peilong Chen and C.-Y. D. Lu
pp. 824-830 [View PDF (106 kB)]
Hamiltonian dynamics of vortex and magnetic lines in hydrodynamic type systems
E. A. Kuznetsov and V. P. Ruban
pp. 831-841 [View PDF (127 kB)]
Two-dimensional model of thermal smoothing of laser imprint in a double-pulse plasma
A. B. Iskakov, V. F. Tishkin, I. G. Lebo, J. Limpouch, K. Mašek, and K. Rohlena
pp. 842-847 [View PDF (154 kB)]
Diffusion cooling in a magnetic field
R. E. Robson
pp. 848-854 [View PDF (79 kB)]

Physics of beams

Particle-core study of halo dynamics in periodic-focusing channels
Tai-Sen F. Wang
pp. 855-861 [View PDF (152 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Spatiotemporal structure of isodiffracting ultrashort electromagnetic pulses
Simin Feng and Herbert G. Winful
pp. 862-873 [View PDF (224 kB)]
Soliton interaction with an external traveling wave
Gil Cohen
pp. 874-879 [View PDF (101 kB)]
Optical solitons in resonant and nonresonant nonlinear media in the presence of perturbations
Mihai Piscureanu and Doina Manaila-Maximean
pp. 880-885 [View PDF (81 kB)]
See Also: Retraction
Embedded solitons in a three-wave system
Alan R. Champneys and Boris A. Malomed
pp. 886-890 [View PDF (86 kB)]
Regime of wave-packet self-action in a medium with normal dispersion of the group velocity
A. G. Litvak, V. A. Mironov, and E. M. Sher
pp. 891-894 [View PDF (115 kB)]

Computational physics

Laser ray tracing and power deposition on an unstructured three-dimensional grid
Thomas B. Kaiser
pp. 895-905 [View PDF (442 kB)]
Lattice-switch Monte Carlo method
A. D. Bruce, A. N. Jackson, G. J. Ackland, and N. B. Wilding
pp. 906-919 [View PDF (426 kB)]
Complex absorbing potential and Chebyshev propagation scheme
S. Midgley and J. B. Wang
pp. 920-925 [View PDF (480 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

Ising cubes with enhanced surface couplings
M. Pleimling and W. Selke
pp. 933-936 [View PDF (166 kB)]
Molecular ratchets: Verification of the principle of detailed balance and the second law of dynamics
K. L. Sebastian
pp. 937-939 [View PDF (43 kB)]
Stochastic resonance at phase noise in signal transmission
François Chapeau-Blondeau
pp. 940-943 [View PDF (337 kB)]
Universality classes in the random-storage sandpile model
Alexei Vázquez and Oscar Sotolongo-Costa
pp. 944-947 [View PDF (56 kB)]

Chaos and nonlinear dynamical systems

Relaxation and Lyapunov time scales in a one-dimensional gravitating sheet system
Toshio Tsuchiya and Naoteru Gouda
pp. 948-951 [View PDF (62 kB)]
Perturbative and nonperturbative parts of eigenstates and local spectral density of states: The Wigner-band random-matrix model
Wen-ge Wang
pp. 952-955 [View PDF (82 kB)]

Classical fluids

Upper bound on the heat transport in a layer of fluid of infinite Prandtl number, rigid lower boundary, and stress-free upper boundary
Nikolay K. Vitanov
pp. 956-959 [View PDF (61 kB)]

Complex fluids, polymers and granular materials

Dynamics of critical fluctuations in a binary mixture of limited miscibility under a strong electric field
Sylwester J. Rzoska, Aleksandra Drozd-Rzoska, and Jerzy Zioło
pp. 960-963 [View PDF (59 kB)]
Characterization of soliton damping in the granular chain under gravity
Jongbae Hong, Heekyung Kim, and Jeong-Pil Hwang
pp. 964-967 [View PDF (175 kB)]

Biological physics

Hysteresis studies in a noisy autoassociative neural network
Renuka Rai and Harjinder Singh
pp. 968-971 [View PDF (63 kB)]

Physics of beams

Stochastic electron gas theory of coherence in laser-driven synchrotron radiation
F. V. Hartemann
pp. 972-975 [View PDF (77 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Nonlinear short-wave propagation in ferrites
R. A. Kraenkel, M. A. Manna, and V. Merle
pp. 976-979 [View PDF (55 kB)]


Reply to “Comment on ‘Monte Carlo study of structural ordering in charged colloids using a long-range attractive interaction’ ”
B. V. R. Tata and Norio Ise
pp. 983-985 [View PDF (36 kB)]